Wednesday, March 18, 2020

What is the difference between culture and society?

-we would say that "a society" is a people of a culture. Whereas "a culture" is what makes them a distinct them

- Different societies have different cultures. 
The culture symbolizes the practices and beliefs of a group while society exemplifies people who share those beliefs and practices. Culture entails practices and traditions while the society is a group of people living in one area. 

The clothes and language are the major indicators of preservation. The people are responsible for practicing a culture making it more dependent on the society. Both the culture and the society are dynamic, and technology has influenced them largely.

- The culture of a society is affected by gender, age, and the environment. In most cultures, clothes and language are the markers of self-preservation in a society. 

See how this plays out by listening to this TED TALK. 

Let's put this into Casablanca terms:
  • What cultures do we see play out in Casablanca? 
  • What are the societal differences from 1942 until today? 
  • How is society different since Casablanca came out in 1942/43?
  • If we place Casablanca in 1967 vs. 1942 how does that make a cultural difference? 
I miss sports. We will also put these questions of culture and society to the question of sports when we see each other on Weds. 

Meanwhile, puke about Casablanca and think of those differences. Write down everything you see as "different." Don't leave anything out. The details matter.

Remember, that your artifact is a reflection and a reaction to a moment in time, based on society and culture at a particular time

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