Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Ch Ch Ch Changes (turn and face the strange)

(I chose great sound over mediocre video. Listen to the words. It really speaks to us now.)

On the show:

Choose a medium to work with your material:


Here is the checklist of what you need to include: 

  • Introduction (set up the project within the introduction include the historical information)
  • Social (How did the public receive the artifact? What about the critics?)
  • Culturally (Where does the artifact show up in culture since its initial presentation?)
  • MultiLens: What does it all mean when you look at it under the microscope of semiotic, Marxist and psychological perspectives? (This will be the biggest section.)
  • Conclusion (What can be “said” about this artifact and what has been learned about its significance? How did you answer the question about your artifact?)
  • Bibliography (This is the list of sources you used in completing this project)

The technical needs of this project: 

You will choose a digital format in which to present your material. Webpage, wiki, film, 

Each section will contain photos, graphs, audio, video, infographics, or maps based on what the content calls for (more about this in class.)

We will review the requirements for each section in classes over the next few weeks. 

Here is the new schedule: 

Weds, April 1 - Review of requirements
Friday, April 3 - Review of additional resources to use in your project. 
Monday, April 6 - Work from the end - what is your conclusion? 
Weds, April  8  - Looking at the lenses 
Friday, April 10  - NO SCHOOL
Monday, April 13 - Social discussion of your artifact
Weds, April 15 Work on your own
Friday, April 17 - Cultural discussion of your artifact
Monday, April 20 - Work on your own
Weds, April 22 - Review of making resources
Friday, April 24 - Review of medium you are using 
Monday, April 27 - Work on your own

Weds, April 29 - Conclusions

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

What is the difference between culture and society?

-we would say that "a society" is a people of a culture. Whereas "a culture" is what makes them a distinct them

- Different societies have different cultures. 
The culture symbolizes the practices and beliefs of a group while society exemplifies people who share those beliefs and practices. Culture entails practices and traditions while the society is a group of people living in one area. 

The clothes and language are the major indicators of preservation. The people are responsible for practicing a culture making it more dependent on the society. Both the culture and the society are dynamic, and technology has influenced them largely.

- The culture of a society is affected by gender, age, and the environment. In most cultures, clothes and language are the markers of self-preservation in a society. 

See how this plays out by listening to this TED TALK. 

Let's put this into Casablanca terms:
  • What cultures do we see play out in Casablanca? 
  • What are the societal differences from 1942 until today? 
  • How is society different since Casablanca came out in 1942/43?
  • If we place Casablanca in 1967 vs. 1942 how does that make a cultural difference? 
I miss sports. We will also put these questions of culture and society to the question of sports when we see each other on Weds. 

Meanwhile, puke about Casablanca and think of those differences. Write down everything you see as "different." Don't leave anything out. The details matter.

Remember, that your artifact is a reflection and a reaction to a moment in time, based on society and culture at a particular time

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Just a note before we begin

Working remotely is part of the new business world. You'll likely be working online in some portion of your job no matter your profession. As we are navigating the next few weeks of online classes keep the following in mind: 

1. Get dressed - It matters to how you approach your work. PJs are nice but when you need to get down to business, put on some pants. 

2. Maintain your schedule - COME TO CLASS. What is true in person is still true online. Use the time you would be in class to "be in class" this will help you stay on track when we eventually come back to campus.  

3. Have the right tools 

  • Download Zoom
  • Learn to use the online SU library system
  • Make sure your computer software is up to date
  • Stay in contact with other students in the class
  • Communicate with your professors often via chat, text, email, smoke signals, or in person at an off-campus location 
4. Communicate with your professors often - (It needs to be said twice.)

When submitting an assignment make sure you are giving your professors an update on how you are doing and how working remotely is working for you. For Crowley classes, send me a personal update every five days, to let me know how you are moving through the material in my class and in your other SU classes. 

Take a look at this list of best practices for online students from Northeastern University. There are many more good tips in here. Consider the next few weeks a new adventure. You will be learning new concepts and new things about yourself. Embrace the challenge.